Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mothers fight for thier right - to bring their babies in a bar !!

OK, this is just insane. I usually go with the flow and try to see everyone's point of view, well maybe not everyone, but still , most of population will find me a pretty understanding person. (Well, maybe not most...but we are getting away from the story here)

What the hell is this hoopla about ? Mothers got mad when some bars tried to tell them to not bring their children and stroller inside a bar. "But we have a right to pour ourselves a stiff one, just because we are saddled with kids should be no reason to stop us," cried the mom brigade.

Really ? You are a mother with little children and you see nothing wrong with this picture? This is simply amazing to me. You know I used to wonder about the parents who are sometimes busted letting their teenagers serve alcohol to their school friends. Who would do such thing, I used to think, now I sorta know...these would be the mothers who would see nothing wrong in their teen-agers drinking, I suppose. I might be wrong here but....

The Responsibility Project said something funny "Those pushing for more kids in more bars are usually the same people pushing the strollers: mothers of the pre-school set, who say: “We want to do everything we always did, but with our babies.”"

I really want to ask the ladies who are asking to be allowed in the bar with their kids this simple question - Would you allow your nanny to go bar hopping with your kid? How about your close friend or family? Do they get to take the kid while they go drink? And what is the accepted limit - is it like driving ?? " Oh not more than two drinks for me thanks, I am pushing the stroller..."

Sometimes things just do NOT make sense, unless you remember -
"Against stupidity, the Gods themselves, contend in vain."

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